Senior Spotlight: Lauren Alspaugh – Senior Interior Detailing Designer
Welcome to the Marc-Michaels Senior Spotlight, which features Q&As with one of our incredibly talented, award-winning design staff who has helped us grow into one of the top luxury interior design firms in the United States. In this month’s Senior Spotlight, Lauren Alspaugh, senior interior detailing designer at Marc-Michaels, shares some of her valuable insights on luxury interior decorating.
Q: How long have you been working for Marc-Michaels?
A: 16 years. “The Ways” of Marc-Michaels are all that I know.
Q: What is your favorite luxury interior decorating job you’ve ever worked on here and why?
A: Gosh, there have been so, so many projects that I have been a part of over the years. It’s very hard to choose favorites! Every luxury interior decorating project is unique and every client is unique. Maybe my favorite job(s) might be the ones I’m working on right now, or the next one that I will get to work on. Because maybe I’ll get to use a new product, or I’ll get to create a new detail that I haven’t designed before.
Q: Are there any extremely unique home details that you have worked on that you’d
like to tell us about?
A: Probably not extremely unique, but I have worked on residential bowling alleys and homes with spa amenities. Things like that.
Turn your luxury design dreams into a reality
Q: What is one design detail you MUST HAVE in your dream home?
A: It’s difficult to name just one. Maybe one room that is my personal sanctuary: comfortable, bright, filled with books and art, with large windows that open onto a private garden.
Make sure to bookmark this blog and stay tuned for more editions of the Marc-Michaels Senior Spotlight as our highly talented senior staff members highlight all the latest trends in luxury house interior decorating and discuss their work as top luxury interior designers.